God allotted a pool of blessings to every individual human being:—blessings that can turn all of us into great people. And each blessing has its own time at which it must unfold itself. Some blessings are meant to manifest themselves in our lives when we are young; others come during our youthful age while others manifest themselves during our old age. The one to determine what blessing, when and how to manifest itself is none other than God himself. We humans have no authority to determine what blessing to acquire in life, but God gave us the capacity and privilege to ask for any blessing that we cherish—then through His unwavering mercy and love grants it to us. However, there are many pitfalls in our life journey that jeopardize our God-given blessings. This book offers you 9 powerful practical tips with which you can tap God’s blessings in abundance. Written with clarity, wry and humour, 9 Ways to Tap God’s Blessings is a must read book that will lead you to experience an amazing positive turn around in your life.
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