ABOUT THE BOOK---15 Days With Jesus
Sometimes we fail to realize and tap into the abundant blessings that God gives us daily and even other times we succumb to unexplainable bodily ailments caused by spiritual impediments ranging from curses, evil spells, hexes, demonic dedications, family tree bondages, occult powers, witchcraft assignments and many others. Deliverance and freedom from any spiritual bondage is a gateway to both spiritual and material wellbeing of a human person. Whatever the case, this book offers practical ways of seeking healing and deliverance through the way of the cross of Jesus.
It also contains a series of powerful spiritual warfare prayers which are essential for those experiencing evil and satanic influences in their lives, as well as anyone in need of inner healing, spiritual healing and self deliverance—not leaving out providing theological reflections on the healing power in the cross of Jesus which many had been placing at the periphery. This is a must read book. Get yourself a copy right now and you will discover the treasure you have been all along missing.
It costs 14 USA dollars including shipping
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